1 – Tell me three things about yourself aside from being a
I have a beautiful almost-two-year-old daughter, Aida and a
fantastic husband, Curran and a very hilarious dog named Goblin and I love them
more than everything else.
I have been with my husband since I was 14 years old and
continue to fall more in love with him all the time. Is that even possible?
I really want to own a hobby farm one day and become more
2 – What exactly is a doula?
She is so many things! Very generally though, a doula is a
continuous support person for a mother and her partner before, during and
following birth. She is a source for information, emotional and physical
support during labour and an advocate for the family-to-be.
3 – In your opinion, what makes a good doula?
I think that it is something that has to come pretty
naturally to someone. You can take all the training in the world but if you are
not compassionate, empathetic person with an innate ability to read peoples’ needs
and feelings you are not going to be a successful doula. Keeping the
environment calm is a huge role of the doula so she must also have a confident,
calming presence. Obviously an extreme interest in
pregnancy/childbirth/parenthood is also essential. Something else I think is
crucial, although there are some doulas out there that would not agree, is an entire
lack of an agenda. It is so important that every woman have the right to strive
for whatever birth she wants. A doula should be there to support the family in
any decision they make without judgment. Most people know if the carrier is a
right fit and if they will be good at it within the first couple births they
4 – What does it take to become one?
Foremost: the desire to be a doula. Really, any one who
assists a mother during birth is playing the role. How to become a certified
doula though depends on the association that you want to be certified with. Usually
certification requires you to take a few training courses which come with long
list of required reading and the like. You are also required to attend a certain
number of births and receive evaluations from the mother, nurse and doctor or
midwife. This is usually the most difficult part of becoming certified since a
lot of doctors don’t care enough to take two seconds to fill out your evaluation.
It’s bananas to me that a doctor’s evaluation is required at all. The doctor (not
midwife) almost always shows up just as the baby is crowning so they haven’t
seen you do much (if they notice you at all). It can be very disheartening to
put all your time and effort into a birth and if the doctor doesn’t want to
circle a few numbers on a piece of paper for you, you cannot use that birth for
certification. It’s just crazy! Just one of the many reasons why it is so
awesome to attend a birth with a midwife!
5 – Are doulas a new thing, or an old thing?
They have been around as long as we have.
6 – How is a doula different than having, say a sister, mom
or friend as a support during birth?
Aside from all the training and knowledge a doula has
concerning pregnancy, labour, birth, breastfeeding, baby care, postpartum care
for mom and family, a mother is allowed to be exactly who she is with a doula.
She isn’t concerned with offending or feeling like she needs to please her
doula in the same way she may with someone she is close with. As much as a
doula grows to love her clients, it is not the same as someone close to the
mother and therefore her opinions and advice don’t come with the same biases as
say the mothers or sisters would. She is the third party support whose sole
concerns are for the mom, baby and partner.
7 – Probably an obvious question, but what are the major
differences between a doula and a midwife?
You would be surprised how often people ask me this
question. I guess it is not that obvious but they are two entirely different
things. A doula doesn’t perform any medical tasks or exams of any sort. A
midwife cares for the mother throughout pregnancy and assists her in birthing
her baby. The midwife performs all the medical exams and is present to ensure
the safety of both mom and baby. The doula is there to support mom and partner
through the labour and initial postpartum period.
8 – How were you introduced to the doula world?
I had never actually heard of a doula until I was pregnant.
I very much wanted a midwife but when I couldn’t get one a friend of mine
suggested we get a doula. It turned out to be a life-changing piece of advice.
9 – You have a young daughter. Did you have a doula for her
birth? What was that like?
Yes. It was pretty incredible. At first I was extremely
unsure about it and to be honest a bit weirded out by the idea of a stranger
being involved in the most intimate event in my life, but it was very much the
opposite. Curran was actually the one who pushed to have a doula. I think he
was (understandably) feeling a bit overwhelmed and nervous about being my sole
support person through labour. He was very aware that in the hospital we would
mostly be left to labour on our own while the nurses would be in and out and
changing shifts throughout. I finally agreed and we met with our doula a few
times before my due date. After our second visit I began to feel like we were
connecting more and more. When she met us at the hospital I felt like I had
known her forever. She made me feel comfortable and confident. I spent most of
my labour in my own world and often had no idea what was going on around me but
what I could feel for sure was that both she and Curran were calm and relaxed. And
although I was not mentally present for a large part of my labour, when I would
experience a different sensation or begin to feel like I couldn’t handle
anymore, I would come back to the present and just look at her and with one
simple question and a nod of my head she knew exactly where I was in my labour
or exactly what to say to keep me going and confident that I could do it.
She knew what I needed when I needed it without my having to
say it. I was kept hydrated without having to think “I should probably drink
something”, a straw would simply show up at my lips every so often. I was
reminded to pee – something that may not sound important but is actually very
crucial and often not thought about by a labouring mom. I was massaged and
touched when I needed to be and left alone when I couldn’t handle it. Curran
was an amazing labour partner but if it hadn’t been for our doula he would not
have been calm throughout the process which would have changed my labour
entirely. As much as she reassured me she also helped Curran understand what
was normal and in doing so allowed him to relax and just help me labour. We
both felt secure having another constant presence there to looking out for our
10 – What difference would a/ did a doula make for you
during your pregnancy and birth of Aida?
All the difference. It is very hard to put into words but
anyone who has ever had a doula present at their birth will know exactly what I
11 – How does doula philosophy fit in with western
medicine’s take on pregnancy and childbirth?
I see the doula philosophy as giving the power of labour and
birth back to the mother and I often feel that western medicine is built in
such a way that this power and choice is often taken away. I in no way believe
that western medicine has no place in birth, it has most certainly performed
miracles beyond mother nature’s powers, but I do believe it is way over used.
12 – How welcoming are hospitals to doulas?
Most are pretty good. Nurses generally love working with
doulas because it makes their job a little easier. As long as the doula works
well with the staff and is polite and courteous they are a welcomed addition to
the birthing team.
13 – From your perspective, why are doulas increasing in
popularity these days?
I think more and more people are beginning to learn what a
doula is and exactly what she does. There is so much research out there now
showing the positive effects that doulas have on labour and birth. People are
beginning to realize that the doula can be an essential tool to a labouring
woman. There is a famous quote by Dr. John Kennell, one of the founders of DONA
international, that says “If a doula were a drug, it would be unethical not to
use it”. I love this quote because it really outlines how much of a difference
a doula can make to someone’s labour.
14 – Was becoming a doula always a dream of yours?
15 – How did it become so important to you?
When I had a doula for my labour I realized how much of a
difference one can make. I completed my training and was attending my first
births before my daughter was even six months old. I think that pregnancy and
birth can become a passion very quickly with some women, especially once they
have experienced it themselves. Bringing another life into the world really
opened my heart and soul on a new level and stirred up an instinctual desire to
assist and guide other women through their labour journey.
16 – Have you been to births as a doula yet? How was it/were
Yes, quite a few actually. Each one has been completely
amazing in its own way. They have all been so different and each has taught me
something new. I think the unpredictability is one of the things I like so much
about being a doula. Every mother is unique and therefore each birth is a very
different experience. It’s awesome!
17 – What’s the secret to staying calm during such an
intense time (birth)?
Hmmm, I’m not sure there is any big secret. Being trained
and acquiring as much knowledge about the process and its
variations/interventions and the like definitely allows a doula to stay calm
during the birth. I also believe that much of the calming presence of a doula
is something that just comes naturally to some people.
18 – What do you love most about being a doula? And what do
you find the most difficult?
Every day I go to work I either get to be chatting it up
with moms (and dads)-to-be (or new parents) or witnessing the birth of a new
life! How many people get to say that? It’s awesome!
The hardest aspect of being a doula for me is the
unpredictable client volume. There is a large (and growing) demand for doulas
in Winnipeg but if you’re not part of a company or collective, as in my case,
than acquiring clients can be very difficult. Actually, being a doula as a
career is very difficult in general. For many people (including myself before I
had my daughter) it is difficult to justify paying a labour companion when you
haven’t yet experienced their value. I can completely understand this since
spending more money than you have to before having a new baby is about the last
thing that anyone wants to do. Unless the person comes to you with a complete
understanding of your value as a doula or they have money to throw at anything
they want, it is more difficult than selling insurance.
19– Is western medicine moving forward or backward in terms
of women’s birthing experience?
This is difficult to answer. Most of the time I really think
it is but every once in a while I experience something (or hear of an
experience) that really makes me feel the opposite. I think generally it is but
may be difficult to notice since it seems to move in a
two-steps-forward-one-step-back motion.
20 – How has being a doula impacted you/ your life the most?
To be honest, it has actually changed most everything about
my life. It is a completely new career for me, one totally different from my
last. Being a part of such an intimate event in other people’s lives can really
enrich your own. I love my family a little more and squeeze them a little
harder every time I return home from a birth.
Check out Bree's blog at www.aprairiedoula.blogspot.com
Check out Bree's blog at www.aprairiedoula.blogspot.com
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